Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
@grannyring @geoffkait @fleschler  - I will do that and report back

@orthomead - I reread my previous comment and it was a little terse.  If the inventor says it ok to use under a turntable that has a moving magnet or moving coil cartridge then go for it I guess.  
My understanding is that the magnet on the mat is relatively weak, so the field it produces is not strong enough, and does not extend far enough, to have much influence on anything.
@ozzy thanks for the update, most interesting. I’m using Bybee Signal Enhancers atm on the consumer unit and find them to help as well. I thought I read during your review of the Akiko Corelli that you were using HFC MC-0.5’s, did you forget to mention or am I mistaken?

I hope you don’t mind me saying but your balanced power transformers seem a bit under rated. Have you considered ones with a larger kVA rating?
@tommylion - I know perfect path tech has said the magnet has nothing to do with the effect of the mat and the: “e mat was put through a number of test to see what materials would stop the effect, 2inch solid marble, 3/8's thick rolled steel boiler plate, 2" solid granite, 1"thick extruded aluminum none of them were up to the task. There is no benefit to taking the cover off your panel, and installing the mat inside the panel.”

They have obviously created something that is very powerful.  I’m just saying based on my own experimenting 8x11 magnetic sheets even with weak magnet fields can change the sound in my system. Speakers and phono cartridges work by using magnetic fields.  High Fidelity has shown manipulating the electricity feeding your system with magnets is also sonically beneficial.  I’m going to add somethings to the mats I have to see if I can sort of figure-out what is going on with the E-mats.  
If you move the E Mat less than 1/2 inch away from a ferrous material or shelf there is 0 pull force..I think there will be virtually 0 chance of magnetic interference while  using the E Mat with any product. Tom