Tube suggestions for hybrid integrated amp

I've had the stock tubes (12AU7) in my Rogue Sphinx for a few years now and I'm ready to upgrade.  Right now I'm leaning toward  Tungsram ECC82 but I am open to suggestions.  I'd prefer to buy within the US as I'd prefer delivery in the next ten days or so.
Speakers are old Dynaudio Contour 1.3 MkII.  The room is lively but not overly bright or ringy.  I listen to a lot of classical chamber music, combo jazz and (mostly classic) rock. 
Any suggestions appreciated.
I used NOS Mullard CV4003 (12au7) tubes in my Cronus Magnum.  Sound was excellent with a midrange to die for.  The tubes are pricey at around 100.00 each.  I purchased them from Upscale Audio.
With all the NOS tubes available, why choose Tungsram? Were they recommended?
You first need to decide what change is needed in your system and the sonics you desire. Andy can definitely help with this.

And here’s a tip... Andy at Vintage Tube will exchange your tubes until you find the set you are happy with.
Brent Jessee also accepts exchanges and refunds on NOS.

I just got off the phone with Andy.  A pair of NOS Tung-Sol tubes will be headed my way later this week.  Thanks again for everyone's help on this.
12au7 NOS Tung Sols are are terrific tubes. I'm using a pair in my amp.
Let us know how they work out.