If one has "high end" digital reproduction equipment and "high end" analog reproduction equipment, it will come down to how the music was recorded and mastered in the first place. A digital recording stamped onto vinyl to me sounds pretty much the same on my digital rig and the vinyl rig.
however, an analog recording played on my analog rig vs "re-mastered" into digital and comparing the two, the analog wins hands down.
Digital sounds quite nice now. I have older digital recordings, where the music is great, but the recording quality absolutely sucks. Also, you do get some artist that compress the hell out of their digital recordings and record them way too loud.
But digital is easy and convenient. Analog requires one to keep getting up. sigh.
Also, I agree with Ralph that the tick and pops are indicative of album condition and tonearm tracking, not the medium.
I listen mostly to digital due to convenience. However, when I really want to relax and enjoy, I play some albums and really smile.