Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

i second what tommylion says says about the breaker panel but I started with the first one on my CD player and was floored by the improvement. 

If if you can swing for two that is what I would do.

Have fun,

I'm now back in town after being gone for 5 days and gave a listen with the four 8x11 magnetic mats on my music server. No doubt another improvement in sound! My 30 additional "mats" also arrived but there was a note in the box saying they could not cut them to size so they sent me a 30' x 2' roll! It actually worked-out well since I was able to cut them to the exact size needed.  I now have 10 layers of 20mil magnetic mat on the inside of my breaker box and 10 layers under or over all my components (excluding the turntable for obvious reasons) including the power conditioners. I sat down for a brief listen and wow! I'm going to let them "cook" for a few days before reaching any conclusions..........

I am very happy so far with the results of placing mats on top of my speakers 😃 More transparency, clarity, air, reverb & decay, realism, life, energy, palpability and engagement with the music.

Last night's listening session was fantastic. As things settle in, the sound just continues to improve. 

Robert and I dug deeply into the record vault and came up with a real sleeper. I knew the record was good, but it NEVER sounded like this before! Definitely a demo LP for sure.

Instead of the usual Paul Desmond on alto sax, it features Bill Smith on clarinet. An amazing LP. Be sure to buy the stereo version. I don't know if there's a CD release ... If so, I  haven't heard it and can't vouch for it.

Highly recommended. 
