Received your Magnepan 30.7’s Yet

Have you received your Magnepan 30.7’s yet?  Supposedly they are shipping now.  Would love to hear your thoughts on the new Flagship speaker.

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I just heard more from Wendell. He writes,

"BTW -- I would not call the first speakers 'prototypes' since it implies changes might be coming (which is not true).

"Since the 30.7 is so big and complicated, the safe process is to take one speaker through from start to finish. If there is a hitch (which there always is), there is little wasted effort. Large quantities begin after all the bugs are worked out. A flagship model has to be perfect from the start. It is better to have the criticism for it taking so long than to hurry."

 congratulations on getting the 20.7’s!  Aren’t they awesome!  As you said, they are definitely a major step up from the 3.6’s.  I’m curious what amps you’re using? I tried many, many amps on my 20.7’s before I found the tubed Carver 305 mb. If you gravitate towards tubes I would definitely recommend you try a pair of them.
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The Bryston is great with Maggie’s for sure.  Better dynamics and bass overall than tubes, but the tube Carvers would give you a bit more midrange ‘magic’.  It’s a personal choice.  You can’t go wrong with the Bryston though, it’s an excellent match.