Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Sbayne ..

I don’t recall saying anything about ignoring your posts. Where do you see this?

Interesting that you would take my post so personally. Maybe there’s hope for our civil society after all. :>)

Sbayne-I was hoping for your experience(s) with using big kitchen magnets.  Also, if they enhance E-Mats properties when stacked with them.

tommylion- I wonder how E-Mats work on speakers?   I didn't think that would be an appropriate application.  On my 5'6", 7 driver speakers, the drivers are located up to 5' down, the speaker terminals 5' down and the crossover about mid-way down.

How strong is the E-Mats affect on a speaker that size?   Would six stacked E-Mats be more effective on a speaker?  Would an E-Mat be effective covering speaker terminals?   

These are valid questions which could help audiophiles in improving their sound at lower cost (sbayne) or higher cost (tommylion), or not worth pursuing (no change in sound).  

Please post here as you are welcomed by most everyone of us.  Look forward to your kitchen mat results.  Not sure why one or two posted such short and strangely negative posts? Anyway just  ignore them 🙂