German Physiks - A huge "wow"

I just wanted to share with my fellow audiophiles my adoration for a pair of German Physik Carbon mkIV I recently purchased. I am not a dealer or distributor, just a consumer/audiophile.

I have owned many of the finest speakers we are all aware of, and most have been excellent.

What I am hearing from the German Physiks is a cohesiveness/continuousness that I have never heard from any other loudspeaker. Imaging is excellent but not "razor sharp"..just natural like a live performance.
As if you painted a soundstage from speaker to speaker with a single stroke of your brush.

Detail and transparency are included, without the slightest
hint of etchiness or fatige; Image stability with a large "sweetspot". I just received them on Saturday and my significant other had to pry me away for meals...I best be careful!

These speakers and this line are too fine to be ignored. However, they are expensive, especially with our terribly weak dollar...I feel fortunate that I was able to make the purchase.

I would urge all to have a listen if possible, even if out of your price range. After 23 years as an audiophile, I didn't believe I could be totally surprised and bowled over by the presentation of any new loudspeaker....I was wrong.

Good listening to all and stay well!
I heard these speakers at the CES and can't agree more with you. The sound was great. Unfortunately the price isn't.
I haven't heard them, can't afford them, but, if my ship came in, they just might be the first new speakers I'd audition. I'm curious about the rest of your system? I'd love to hear them in a TacT setup. Best of luck, enjoy!

I have a Metronome CD-3, VAC Ren mkII preamp, Atma-sphere MA 100 monos driving the German Physik Carbon mkIV, all with Stereovox wiring......this is the first time I can HONESTLY say, I no longer have an upgrade bug!

Thank you