Amp upgrade from Ayre V-5xe

I am loving the Ayre sound (V-5xe Amp, QX-5 Twenty DAC / streamer). My speakers are the new Revel F228be

While I think V-5xe is great, I am thinking of upgrading to the newer VX-5 Twenty. Just because.... I hear my sirens calling :-)

For you Ayre owners, is this a worthy upgrade?

Or should I consider another solid state Amp? Pass Labs come to mind

I was looking for a boutique integrated along the likes of Vitus, Gryphon, AudioNet , T&A, etc. but then I read a review of the Luxman M900u and I'm trying to figure a way how I can afford it (and retire at the same time!). 
I'm surprised that stringreen didn't ask if you are using the V-5xe in balanced mode.  I have matched the V-5xe with a K-5xemp pre but like you I'm also looking to upgrade.  I feel this combo is a little on the lean side of things. 
Definitely using all my gear in Balanced mode. 

The QX-5 Twenty DAC is a great DAC. Definitely not looking to upgrade that. Endgame for me.

I also use an Ayre preamp, K-1xe. It's an older model, but it is great. That will not be sold either.

thyname, and others in copy,

For your guidance, I have copied and pasted information from Ayre's webpage regarding fully-balanced and single ended signals. 

Kindest regards,


Fully-balanced Circuitry

Balanced circuitry is a special dual configuration that rejects noise and interference—not only from external cables, but also from the AC power line itself. In an Ayre component even the signals from conventional sources are converted to the balanced format, resulting in vivid, lifelike performances, presented against an uncannily quiet background.

Sell the V5Xe and K1xe, and get an AX5 Twenty or Luxman L509X, or Gryphon Diablo.

Those integrated are a step up from your present combo. Preamplifier section in sota integrated have evolved. Unless you fall in love with a separated amplifier sound, or your speakers are really really power hungry like hell, you can trust the new sota integrateds to give you world class sound.