prof - sorry to say you still don’t get it. Nobody is saying there’s no such thing as bias or other psychological effects. What I’m saying it’s not easy to prove or disprove anything in audio. Nobody promised you a rose garden. What you still don’t get is that negative results of a blind test don’t mean anything. All I can do is keep repeating my mantra until it seeps through that thick membrane surrounding your brain. All this other pharma blind testing and blind tests used for physics is stuff you made up or irrelevant.
What lengths will determined pseudo skeptics go to try to prove that cables don’t matter or that directionality doesn’t matter or that fuses don’t matter? Well, we’re seeing what lengths they’re go, right here, ladies and germs. You can take all the Crusader Rabbits and line them up and they won’t prove anything. 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇
Let me put it a different way. If YOU performed a blind test yourself and reported negative results I would throw your results in the circular file. Capish? 😛.
Why is it that pseudo skeptics and die hard naysayers never perform testing themselves? Just a lotta, “Betcha can’t pass a blind test.” What are they afraid of? 😳
What lengths will determined pseudo skeptics go to try to prove that cables don’t matter or that directionality doesn’t matter or that fuses don’t matter? Well, we’re seeing what lengths they’re go, right here, ladies and germs. You can take all the Crusader Rabbits and line them up and they won’t prove anything. 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇
Let me put it a different way. If YOU performed a blind test yourself and reported negative results I would throw your results in the circular file. Capish? 😛.
Why is it that pseudo skeptics and die hard naysayers never perform testing themselves? Just a lotta, “Betcha can’t pass a blind test.” What are they afraid of? 😳