Magico A3 vs. Focal Kanta 2

I have around 10k to play with for a new set of speakers. 
My current equipment: MC452 C2600 MCD550 Vienna Acoustics Mozart grand speakers, REL S5. 
My options include  Magico A3,  Focal Kanta 2 or used Sonus Faber Elipsa SE for around 10K.  These choices are based on on aesthetics (approved by wife) and reviews, I have not heard any of them yet.  I am not willing to change my amp/pre. My choice of music is 95% classical (symphony, solo piano, piano concertos) about 5% Jazz. Auditioning speakers would probably not be possible. I need to make a decision based purely on expert recommendation. If there are any other speakers in this price range with similar attributes I may also consider, but I would prefer to pick one from above. Also, would any of the above give a massive improvement in sound reproduction? Is SF Elipsa outdated  when compared to current Focal and Magico?  Thanks. 

Does anyone know when SF Elipsa was discontinued? The one I'm looking at is at least 5 years old. How much wear is acceptable in those speakers? Which parts have the shortest half life in SF? This set was driven by Mastersound PF100 playing mostly Jazz, classical and opera. 
How would one test the speaker for mechanical integrity before buying? 

As far as Kanta 2 and Sopra 2, it seems they have a reputation for being too bright due to their beryllium tweeters. Is that accurate? 

Unfortunately Nola, Verity, Revel, Vandersteen, carver, aerial etc.  are not approved for my home. I need to stick to the aforementioned 3. 
If they speakers you are looking for were used with quality equipment and not abused then they are perfectly fine.  I still own speakers from the late 70's that are in as new condition and play that way too.  Since foam speaker surrounds went away speakers are good for decades.  As to when they were discontinued contact SF or Sumiko and ask then but Jeff at Tone Audio reviewed a pair about four years ago.  You can also join Audio Aficionado and ask there as that's where most of the SF frequent.
@ei001h, Sounds like you’ve ruled out the A3’s and Joseph Audio Profiles at this stage?
If your looking at the pair listed on this site in the Bronx they look to be in top rate condition from a quality seller so I would work a deal and be done.  
I haven't ruled out A3 or Kanta  but leaning towards Elipsa. Is there a way to know if a speaker has been abused just by listening? Perhaps a test CD? Or is it strictly done by faith on a used market? Yes Im looking at Elipsa from the Bronx, they look nice cosmetically and have been paired to nice equipment reportedly.