Looking for a high end integrated to suit Dynaudio contour 5.4's

Hi All

I am looking to move to an integrated amp to drive my Contours.  Dyns look to respond well to amps that are high current as I have had a Griffen Diablo connected into my system and there was a massive difference in the performance of my Dyns.  While I would love a Griffen its pricey so I am looking for an alternative.  At this stage I have been considering a Pass Labs INT-250, Audia Flight FLS-10, Vitus R-101 and Griffen Diablo 300.

Does anyone out there have any of these speaker/amplifier combinations or other suggestions around amplification for the Contours?

Melbourne, Australia or Melbourne, FL? 

Also add to your list the following integrateds :
Boulder, Esoteric, Luxman, Soulution, CH Precision, Tidal, Ayre, Simaudio Evolution series, Dan D'Agostino Momentum integrated.

plb02 OP4 posts07-22-2018 4:05pmI'm also in Melbourne, if its allowed in the forum could I ask where you go to audition gear?
Picking up on Caphill's post, I can't see what country you're in. I live in Melb, Australia. Let me know if you still want a referral.
plb02 OP4 posts07-22-2018 5:03pmAussie.

Thanks Caphill. The new Luxman L-509x looks very nice.
I recently a-b tested the Luxman M-900u/C-900u, Accuphase A-70/C-2850 & Pass XA-250.8/XP-20 amps with Harbeth 40th Anniversary speakers. In that shootout, the Accuphase amps came out on top. The Lux amps are beautifully built (like Accuphase). Sound-wise they are neutral, quiet, smooth, have good PRAT and a touch of warmth. However the Accuphase amps were more resolving, had greater dynamic contrasts, more energy than the Lux amps, were more delicate on vocals, gave 'life' to the music & had an inviting class a warmth.

That said, dollar for dollar I would take any of the 3 amps I mentioned over the Luxman. Several of the amps Caphill mentioned are very good, but out of your price range. The Boulder 865 is a very good amp with plenty of power/control. The Boulder sounds natural, but is more neutral than the Luxman. Build quality is excellent. 865's are a bargain on the used market. I found one on USA Audio Mart asking just under $8kCAD.