New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?

TEO has been busy, they recently introduced the KRONOS ICs:

I see they also have an upgraded version of the Game Changer (GC II):

All I can say is the Schroeder Method really works. Thanks again Doug! To anybody reading this, if you are not totally sarisfied with your system, considering upgrading a component or just looking to tweak your system..... please try this method first before you do anything else. Your jaw might drop upon hearing what your system sounds like with the Schroeder Method!
I almost forgot to thank Taras too, as he mentioned the Schroeder Method to me first just minutes before he introduced me to Doug Schroeder at the AXPONA show. I got lucky, or as Spock would say "random chance seems to have operated in my favor"  Lol
It’s important to understand that we urged Doug to call it the Schroeder method, it was not a case of ego on his part.

Just so folks know this...and this point -- is in print.
I just wanted to add that when this method was first mentioned to me by Taras it had no name. It was just somethi ng Doug had thought about and tried sucessfully.If it wasn't for my trust in both Taras' and Doug's opinions, from prior dealings and recommendations, I probably would have scoffed at this method..... figuring if it is so good why wasn't it already in use throughout audiodom at this point.
Yeah, like the Heimlich Maneuver, only not quite as important, especially if someone is choking.