Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
@ozzy I'm also curious if you'll hear the difference immediately after the removal of the mat or is it gradual and if you need to wait another 14 days to hear the full effect of the mat. 

I am a skeptic. I do follow your posts. Respect your thoughts . 

I too am waiting for your updates. Thank You for doing the work. 
Ozzy ...

The general consensus is that the materials in the Omega E Mats somehow "charge" up the surrounding areas and/or audio equipment in which they are put. These areas have to "discharge" after the mat is removed in order to get back to a zero effect. If you are going to do an A-B comparison, it would be best to remove both the Bybee products and the E Mat completely from the circuit breaker box for a couple of days, listen, then reinstall the E Mat, letting it "charge" back up for a day or two, then listen again. 

Using the terms "charge" and "discharge" may not be accurate. I just couldn't think of another term that would be appropriate. 

Keep us posted. 

Thanks ...

Thank you. I'm trying. There seems to be a lot of emotion in this thread so I'm trying to be systematic in my approach.

Yeah, I am wondering the same thing. Does the mat's effect disappear immediately when removed or is it gradual?

Your welcome, and I do plan on pulling the Omega mat out this week. So we'll see.

So are you saying that once I pull the mat it may take a few days for its effect to dissipate?

@ozzy So are you saying that once I pull the mat it may take a few days for its effect to dissipate?

A couple of hours, however ONCE REMOVED YOU START THE PROCESS ALL OVER AGAIN. hope that helps.