Cable Burn In

I'm new here and new to the audiophile world. I recently acquired what seems to be a really high end system that is about 15 years old. Love it. Starting to head down the audiophile rabbit hole I'm afraid.

But, I have to laugh (quietly) at some of what I'm learning and hearing about high fidelity.

The system has really nice cables throughout but I needed another set of RCA cables. I bit the bullet and bought what seems to be a good pair from World's Best Cables. I'm sure they're not the best you can get and don't look as beefy as the Transparent RCA cables that were also with this system. But, no sense bringing a nice system down to save $10 on a set of RCA cables, I guess.

Anyway, in a big white card on the front of the package there was this note: In big red letters "Attention!". Below that "Please Allow 175 hours of Burn-in Time for optimal performance."

I know I'm showing my ignorance but this struck me as funny. I could just see one audiophile showing off his new $15k system to another audiophile and saying "Well, I know it sounds like crap now but its just that my RCA cables aren't burned-in yet. Just come back in 7.29 days and it will sound awesome."
It’s always a treat when one pseudo skeptic pats another pseudo skeptic on the fanny.
N80, you stated that you are new to the audiophile world. So, shouldn't you approach the subject of burn-in or run-in with an open mind?

The instructions on your cables to allow 175 hours breakin does sound absurd and I've never seen that before. You may have purchased Mogami or Canare from that particular dealer which are professional quality cables. 
I work in the biz and use these cables and break-in has never been mentioned.

But based on my experience at home with cables using exotic metallurgy and design, there is an audible difference between the brand of cable plus the before and after breakin period. ie, I have owned 2 pairs of Purist Audio interconnects and could hear a difference between a new cable out of the box and the cable in my system.

At some point in this hobby you may discover this for yourself.

Ah, the old pro audio vs high end audio disconnect rears it’s ugky head. This is what happens when one segment of the industry stoves pipes. I.e., develops a set of concepts and products without paying attention to what’s going on in other segments of the industry, especially the one segment that presumably has a leg up on the advanced audio stuff.