Nuforce STA200

I am curious about the Nuforce STA200 amplifier  If anyone has experience with the amp it would be appreciated if you would share your listening impressions, both good and bad.  Some of the descriptions I have read classify it as a class AB amp and others a class D amp.  I am not technical savvy about these things, can a single amplifier be both? 
Why are surprised as we are talking about a speaker with a stated efficiency of 85 db and impedance of 3.4 ohms and that is just stated not measured.  I am sure measurements by JA or Soundstage would find that both are overstated. The is the same as with the Pioneers and is a common characteristic of all recent Andrew Jones speakers. 
Not necessarily surprised, just wondering if anyone had similar experiences. My Cambridge CXA80, also 80 watts, handles the Elac's easily. There's just no info out there about how the Nuforce handles 4 ohm speakers. 

The Nuforce has been fine with the Elacs. I had it cranked up, it was hot out, and the doors on my cabinet were shut. I think I just managed to overheat it enough to shut it down.
I had the Job 225 amp for several years and now have the Nuforce which is a scaled down version in my office system.  Neither amp is by nature fond of difficult loads.  They have both easily handled speakers easier to drive up to almost $20k with no issues but give them a difficult load like the Jones speakers and they bog down.  I suspect the Cambridge has a bigger power supply and transformer.  The main difference between the Nuforce/Job amps and the similar Goldmund Telos is the transformers and capacitors.  Those amps would have no issues.  And sure shutting it up in a cabinet probably didn't help either.
The Elacs really sound better with this amp than the Monitor Audios. The Monitors are really bright, almost harsh and grainy. Had to swap them back out. 
Well if you give the Nuforce the room it needs to breath hopefully it will hang in.  If you really like the Nuforce you might want to start looking for a more compatible speaker though.