What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0(

The heading says it all!! What do you guys think is the reason that the sales in the used high end market have gone soft??
Prices too high? Economy too slow?? Stock market too volatile?? Something else??

I'm definitely there with you on that jimman.  With the exception of the about to happen electrical feed upgrades I'm working on, and my disc spinner, everything in my system is preowned, bank auctioned or maufacturers close out.  Now if only we could turn a new generation on to the same, we'd effectively abolish the topic of this thread
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As a seller it is sad, as a buyer I have gotten some good deals!
So...anybody have a cheap Esoteric N-05 they want to sell?
elizabeth... I've used some real price examples and don't think the stuff I've tried to sell has been overpriced (not that you are implicating me).  If something has sold several times on eBay at $1900 I think I should be able to reasonably expect $1700 here - taking into consideration the potential problems with eBay sales and fees, etc.  That is a fair expectation in the tight knit audio loving community that we are - lol.  And conversely I'll gladly pay 50% for an item that is as new and is still current.   You don't (typically) get anywhere near that type of price from a dealer . 
I've been a member for many years and have sold and bought a decent amount of gear under this handle. That said and while I appreciate the polish that the publisher has made to the site, people and dealers who now see this as a new retail store have pushed prices to the point that it makes almost no sense to buy.

Always had a great experience, but the BS being pushed by sellers is getting foolish. Used gear is what it is...used. Babied, non smoking and pet free----who cares. Like these sellers never turned on their gear and cranked it or they live in a hermetically sealed ecosystem.

Sort of ruined the experience for me to the point that even looking bothers me. I love vinyl but guys, come on...none of these turntables are worth what people are asking. Speakers- right, only played at a whisper for 18 hours. 

Its cool with me if you think this is the new norm, but i'm not buy-in it, literally.

Too bad