PS Audio uber dac

While browsing the PS Audio forums.. talk is.. PS A will be coming out with a $20,000.00 dac in the near future. I think Ted Smith is the design guru. Seems like a lot of scratch for a product from a known ’value for money’ oriented company. Wish them luck...lots of stiff competition in that price range.
Nenon It would be the Denafrips connected to PS Audio Direct stream player checked out through Magnepan 20.7 speakers with subs including Focals Maestro Utopia speakers with subs that revealed differences between the two dacs .
However the Denafrips is a fairly new product with a unproven track record though I understand Denafrips now has North American representation if repairs need to be done.
The PS Audio is in my estimation is poor value for your dollar and the Terminator selling at $4,500.00 I feel the price point is also poor value after listening to a fully run in Yggdrasil analog 2 at $2,400.00.

Aolmrd1241 I know this to be a constant complaint of some owners when I first unpacked and hooked up my new PS Audio dac the screen was blank though the problem was temporarily solved by rebooting the dac I did have other screen issues occasionally with the Direct stream player along with a continuous motor noise at one point, could be unit to unit production differences , parts etc etc ,.

In_shore, is there anything with the sound of the Schiit Yggdrasil A2 you don’t like or is deficient compared with the PS Audio and Denafrips you previously owned?
I’ll put it this way ,price of said component has no bearing on performance.
 This notion of “you get what you pay for” really doesn’t apply in this hobby .
If the three were equally priced it was really a matter of taste and the Yggdrasil analog 2 won , sure there were other factors involved however they were minor . 
For now I’m satisfied however there is one dac I would like to check out in the near future and that is the Rockna Wavedream .

Well, Andreas Koch's MPD-8 has already gotten one rave review. Hopefully, Playback Designs will market the Dream Series just a little bit. There won't be much hype, but who will bet against the result?