Aftermarket Fuses

Can I set the ground rules up front?? I hope so. There are two camps. One who can hear different audible reproduction using aftermarket fuses. The second camp can not justify in theory, or can not hear a difference in fuses. Fine. I respect both camps. Can we hold this discussion to those who can hear an audible difference in fuses?? Can we? If so, what is your choice in aftermarket fuses and describe, please, what you hear.

Geoffkait: Is it just me or does the pro audio and the audio industry in general seem to be very slow?

GK once again, as pretty much always, you’ve clearly demonstrated its definitely you.

>>>>The Amish still have you under their spell, Moops. When are you going to stop following the wrong sheep?
shadorne"Just a smidgen of ethics would hold most people back from actively promoting and helping others make money off of a scam."

How can you devote such frequent, focussed and relentless energy objecting to these alleged "scams" and racketeers as audiophiles are supposedly fleeced by the thousands yet not take decisive action to end this claimed horrific violation of the most basic consumer laws? Why don't you get yourself a competent attorney who will accept your complaint and action on a contingency basis and sue these fraudsters for once and for all and drive a nail in the coffin of snakeoil! You almost certainly can be granted Class Action status which would yield you upon victory riches that are probably beyond your wildest imagination and if you are already wealthy imagine how you could help others with this newfound pot of wealth! There is no downside for you, no risk and no chance of loss and since you are so sure of yourself and you're closely held convictions it should be easy.  You continue to post hear regularly about this gross miscarriage of justice that you call this matter so why not take positive, decisive, formal action rather than continue to just object, complain and accuse?

Is it because you know that the snakeoil that you allege is not snakeoil at all and that you have no proof against it because that it was it appears to be.
Of course a Littelfuse or any other cheap stock fuse will work. But this is not about fuses working. It’s about sound quality. The Littelfuse argument makes about as much sense as saying  a boom box works. Sure, a boom box works and you might be able to live with it, but come on!
Who the heck and probably more importantly WHY the heck was this old argument that can never be won by ANYBODY here even if you cast the enormous egos out resurrected?
PLEASE give us all a break!

I am going to go play music, with my fuses, warts and all....
shadorne sez ...

  • "Just a smidgen of ethics would hold most people back from actively promoting and helping others make money off of a scam. But obviously you wouldn’t understand what that is."

Now THAT’S gratitude for ya. Here I am trying to give you an avenue to become a multi-billionaire, and you puke out a personal attack. What’s up with that, shadorne?

By your own admission, there are ten-cent fuses available that sound just as good as the after market fuses. Member "pbnaqudio" has done extensive research scouting out a source for the basic tools ... the fuses and the coloring method ... and you respond with a personal attack? Boy, talk about a non-appreciative individual.

Come on, shadorne ... order the fuses in the 5000 discounted lot, color them purple, put a free ad on Craig’s List ... and let the big bucks roll in.

Was it you who was contemplating using "Total Contact" to tighten your sphincter? Obviously, based upon your last post, which was a personal attack on my ethics as a human being, you have tried the sphincter experiment. How’s it working out for you? Has it improved your social life around the bar scene lately?

Step up to the plate, shadorne. Buy the fuses, color them, run the ads, make billions, or forever be exposed as the phony that you and your inane posts really are.
