Time to change. But to what?

I've had my B&W N803 for a while now. Love them. But have a craving for a different type of sound.

I want speakers that play all kinds of music equally well. Excell at soundstaging, imaging, resolution, are NOT analytical, sound natural(this is very improtant...I hate artificial sound), and do the bass so you not only hear it but feel it as well.

I started building a list of potential candidates.
Here goes it:
1. B&W 803D
2. DALI Helicon 800MkII
3. DALI Euphonia MS4 or 5
4. Dynuadio S5.4
5. Sonus Faber Cremona

from the list I am familiar with S5.4, 803D and Cremona. I have never heard DALI speakers.

Room width is about 14 feet. Length is 18 feet. Speakers are on the short wall. Behind the speakers corners are treated with 8th Nerve Rectangles and Triangles, there is an area rug in front of speakers.

I listen to rock music, jazz(vocal and instrumental but dynamic stuff...no smooth jazz at all), acoustic music, solo, chamber and large orchestral classical(Tchaikovsky, Mahler, Bartok, Shoenberg, Shostakovich, etc). I would like the orchestra to be rendered as large and real as possible within the natural limitations of my room, system, listener.

I like to listen on realistic levels when I can, but since I have a 5 year old who goes to bed early, low level resolution is VERY IMPORTANT. I do a lot of late night listening at low levels and want to hear as much information out of the speakers as possible. My B&Ws excell at playing loud without strain. I want this quality to remain with the new speaker as well.

The speaker upgrade will most likely force me to use my Bel Canto DAC3 as a preamp for a while.

I am selling my BAT VK-51SE preamp right now to raise some funds for the speakers. Once I sell the preamp I plan to sell the B&Ws.

DAC3 isn't that bad direct into my Pass Labs X250.5 and I have a feeling I can deal with it for the time being.
No plans to change the amplifier, or anything else. Just the speakers.

What are my options?

Your advise is greatly appreciated.
Called Silverline today. I guess it was Alan who answered the phone, and told me there was no dealer in NY or NJ area that has Sonata III or Bolero in stock.
That's a pitty. I really wanted to hear both.

On a positive note, I heard Dali MS5 today and was impressed. Associated equipment and most likelyh the speaker placement/positioning wasn't ideal, but I spent about 2 hours listening. Liked them. These speakers remain on my list. Their level of resolution is something to get used to though...WOW. I actually heard some things I didn't know were there on the Telarc recording of Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet.
Pretty impressive.
How about the Focal Utopias? (Escala or Alto)
I think your list only include the Focals or the Sonus Fabers. these are two of the best avaialble for your use.
09-01-08: Pops
Johnny, my problem with Thiels is this, 3.6's have been my speaker now for about 9 years and I don't know what I would ever go to. When fed right which I've done the resolution and coherence is addicting. Your right though you have to work a little and be ultra careful with upstream components and wire. I used a Blackbird cartridge for a while which leans towards the sharp side, however, my ortofon jubilee is perfect and when everything connects that is when Thiels are really hard to beat for me.
Yep, you're right. What I posted before was what I feel about Thiels in *my* situation, which is I often can't sit in the sweet spot and having had two heart attacks, I just can't submit myself to the stress of speaker placement and system tuning that the Thiels require.

But you're right. In this respect they also remind me of Wilsons. Picky about room placement and where you sit, but if you get it right, few speakers hang the images in 3-D space like these guys. And it's thrilling when you get it right. And I can sure see where an Ortofon Jubilee would help make that happen.

For me, I gave up that nth degree of pinpoint imaging in favor of a robust soundstage and natural timbres throughout the room that I get from Mirage omnidirectional speakers.
Most likely Cremonas are off the list.
1. they go down to 40hz, which isn't low enough
2. do not like to be played as loud
3. for what they cost I feel I can get a better speaker.

Silverline are most likely out as well because I can not hear them anywhere in the area. I'm unlikely to buy speakers without audition. Market is not that great right now and things just don't sell as well. It isn't exactly the perfect time to experiment by buy and sell.

Dali MS4 or MS5 remain;
Wilson Sophia added;
Dynaudio S5.4 remain;
Dynaudio C2 added;
B&W 803D remain;

I think all these speakers have in common is they are resolving, dynamic and should excell at low level resolution, except may be for the 803D since I know B&Ws like to be played as loud as possible.
All hang in approximately same price category.

I haven't heard the Focals. Not familiar with their sound. If they have same sonics as JM LAB speakers, which I found pretty lean, it isn't exactly what I'm looking for.