Preamp for Burmester power amp

Hi all, I am new to here. Currently I am using JRDG Capri with Burmester 956 Mk II power amp, to drive ATC SCM40 V2. 

I intend to to upgrade the preamp (as I think it’s the weakest part), among Pass Labs XP12, Ayre KX5 Twenty and Bryston BP 17 Cubed, which one u think is a better match with my Burmester?
There are some technical factors that should be taken into consideration in making this choice:

1)The Bryston has very low input impedances of 6.5K unbalanced/4.5K balanced. Those values are low enough to be a problem for most tube-based source components, and some solid state source components. Even if those values aren’t a problem for the source components you presently have, they may significantly constrain future upgrade possibilities.

2)According to Stereophile’s measurements the Ayre provides essentially zero gain from any of its inputs to its balanced outputs (which are the outputs that would presumably be best to use with your fully balanced amp). Since the efficiency of your speakers is somewhat low (specified as 85 db/1W/1m, with the identically specified earlier version of the speaker measured as only 81 db at, that lack of gain may be an issue if you are using vinyl or other analog sources. With some analog sources you could conceivably even find yourself wanting to turn the volume control up higher than it can go, especially if you listen to material having wide dynamic range such as a lot of classical symphonic music.

3)The balanced inputs of your amp have an **extremely** low input impedance of 1.88K. I suspect that the Pass and Ayre preamps would be able to drive such a low impedance with good results, but it would probably be a good idea to check with the manufacturers to be sure.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al
Hi Almarg, thanks for your prompt reply. It seems like Ayre & Pass Labs preamp are better match with Burmester power amp.

Have u ever listened Pass Labs + ATC/PMC speakers?
Have u ever listened Pass Labs + ATC/PMC speakers?
No, I have no experience with ATC or PMC speakers. Or for that matter with the three preamp models you are considering.

Good luck, however you decide to proceed. Regards,

-- Al
Hi Almarg,

How about Mark Levinson 326s or 523 preamp? Do u think they are good match?
