It seems you are getting some pretty good advice above
The best systems are created with Logic and facts most will agree.
The worst decisions are made blind without genuine facts lack of listening no preparation hoping your challenges work out
It seems you are emotionally attached to your speakers
((((and was one of the few to get it first. Even from dealers.))))
Could this have made you feel special? another emotion
Is it a reality or fantasy, either way, if it makes you feel special being told folks are banging for these speakers great
Yet somehow you still are searching.
When truly in love with the music you won't need affirmation.
Are you about to blow it again?
Taking the cheap way out?
Are you listening with your eyes or seeing with your ears?
Could it be you like taking the easy way out reading what the popular deal buyer, feeble-minded, committee does instead of focusing on your almost excellent particular scenario?.
(((I think I am going to go for it.
I will not lose much if I don’t like it and then sell it )))
Does this sound like the real solution or running in circles?
If i were you I would Ayre match it all together first and see if it lets the whole system work for you instead of you working for the system.