Tube Preamp

I started the discussion about replacing my Adcom 555. I would now like to move the advice to a tube preamp that has the capability to tie in my signal processor.  I'm using a Parasound Halo A21 power amp... recommended  here ... and my AR 303a speakers that I have had for years. . I would love to keep the number under $1500 if possible,

To preface I like to listen loud and boost the freqs that I like. My Adcom has been labeled not "musical"  Any help much appreciated and thanks!
PS:  agree the Freya looks like one heck of a pre-amp.  My own personal reservation with that amp is the limited tube options, saying that from having amassed a  quantity of various 6922’s and 12ax7’s over the years.  I would hate to part with the frame grids.  
Thanks to you all for some great suggestions!  I will be looking into several options...
@newf27, IMO one of the great benefits of the Freya is the use of the 6SN7 tube. One of the most coveted tubes in high-end audio. 

Full disclosure...I have not yet heard the Freya, but I have owned two preamps based on the 6SN7 and with the return policy I would give the Freya a go.

I'm using NOS Sylvania 6SN7GTB "chrome domes" in the Freya (one pair is a Philco made by Sylvania...identical innards) and the sound is superb. They're not expensive, and I simply go with Dennis Had's recommendation of using NOS stuff if available. I have an Amperex 6SN7GTB as the driver originally supplied in my Had SE amp, and liked it enough to buy a backup...those suckers are hard to find. 
Hi.  I can second rocray's comments.  About 6 months ago I purchased an Aric Audio Transcend 6SN7 tube pre-amp to pair with my  Magnepan 1.7i's. and ancient Parasound H2200 power amplifier.

The Transcend transformed this system.  It works very well with my SS amp and really opened up the Magnepans in a way that I was unable to achieve with my SS pre-amp.  As rocray noted, Aric is a pleasure to work with.  My version of the Transcend is Line Stage only, as I can't be bothered with records, or even CD's anymore.  But Aric Audio does sell units with Phono Stages as well as separate phono stages.
His stuff is all point to point hand soldered and, as far as I know, all single ended.  It sounds great.