Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
What has to be considered is what has happened behind the scenes via Emails and phone calls between Tim and a couple of individuals who post here.   So far, Tim has had the patience of Job. At this point he's probably wondering when the locusts are coming. Sometimes emotions get the better of us all and we tend to vent. Human nature I guess.

Has anyone found that E-Mats effect improves over 3 weeks or more?  Frank has added and removed so many mats that I guess it would be difficult to tell in his system.  I have not moved my E-Mats for three weeks and the system just sounds better than ever the last several days.
@thecarpatian  +1  Very well stated!  I do understand how Tim would take all of this so personally as they are products he designed and pained over.  It's kind of like overhearing someone negatively opining about one of your children.  That's hurtful and hard to put aside.  

Tim, perhaps if you re-read some of your last posts here you will get a better sense of what @thecarpathian stated so well above.

I was seriously considering a mat for my electrical service but now...?

It is a shame that this sort of "product" thread accepts any opinion that is of gushing gratitude only. If an individual states a less than the expected experience, or asks the wrong question, that person is singled out (by many, no, make that nearly all), and vilified on this supposed open forum.

You can say what you like, as long as it conforms with the positive and glowing comments expected.

You call this "freedom of the press"? Only on your terms...

You guys are moaning and complaining like Tim has absolute control over who posts on this thread and what they can and can’t say 🙄

And yet...your posts are still here.