Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
My suggestion to Tim is...
Build your own website! Add a forum to it. Not only that, but have pictures, videos and instructions on how to use your innovative products effectively.

The issue here is that this forum is open to all comments, be they gushingly positive, neutral or not positive. An advertiser using this forum as a sole distribution point does not want perceived negative comments out to be seen in the open. You either restrict the comments and free speech to only positive of a product or allow all sides comment.

(I am not insinuating anything of the product that this thread represents, just the ability to comment sensibly on whatever the subject is)

p.s. I do not use any product of this manufacturer, not by choice, but by physical location, no local history of the product being used here and how local's perceive their benefits, and I don't think my system would benefit from and of the products until I have all the upgrades in place.

@tommylion I read your post with the uppercase quote in it. Its an interesting position to be in, "...IF YOU RE NOT TOTALLY HAPPY WITH THE PERFORMANCE..."

How do you measure "totally happy with the performance"? Against what? You only hear tweak improvements for a short time until you get used to it, then it becomes part of the norm. It becomes a case of chasing the impossible if whatever improvements you hear become part of the background.