insurance and shipping with UPS

I recently shipped a Levinson 432 amplifier with UPS.I brought it to UPS and requested that they box it. It was insured. During transit UPS dropped the amplifier and pretty much destroyed it. I offered to pay for repairs, however the buyer had no interest in purchasing the item. UPS inspected the damaged amplifier and denied my claim, insisting  the  amplifier was not properly packaged. Corporate denied responsibility and said the issue was between myself and the UPS franchise that shipped it. I've been dealing with the franchise for a month and they are fighting with corporate in an attempt to adjudicate the issue. Meanwhile, I've repaid the buyer and have had  no relief from UPS. The UPS website clearly states that if a franchise boxed the item they are responsible. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to resolve this issue, other than hiring an attorney? UPS seems to be somewhat of a scam operation. I did not realize that all UPS offices were franchises and am wondering why anyone would ship anything of value with them.
BTW, I asked for a response from Builder3 not you. Oh well maybe we'll still hear from Builder3. The good news is that you signed off on your last post by saying...."Over And Out".  Boy was that music to my ears.
Wow ... kqvkq9 actually takes the time to make a very informed, lengthy and relevant post and spin4cards calls him names and hurls uncalled for insults.

1. I hope the moderator does take out the trash (spin4cards)

2. If the moderator doesn’t take down spin4cards miserable post, ask yourself.... if this is how he treats other Audiogon members via the Forum,  why would you ever buy anything from this guy?
I second naperaudio request.  Moderator, take out the trash (spin4cards).  Just read his post from 11:04 7-29.  Quite obviously horrible. 
Post removed 
Hey fleschler,

We don't operate here by Parliamentary Procedure. 
Go make yourself some popcorn and listen to a Tony Orlando record.