Hmmm, I'm not sure if I fully agree with Erik's thoughts. First off, the Xeo 6 are wireless ONLY speakers. This means that you are losing some sort of resolution through the wireless communications. You are dependent on the DAC and the amplifier of the speakers. The speakers also do not have a very good power cord. I suppose this is a really good solution if you absolutely need a wireless set of speakers, but wired/amped will always be a superior result.
The other is that, even with some room correction, you will still be able to hear differences between sonic signature of different speakers. Such as if you combined Xeo 6 left/right with a completely different center channel. In my opinion, the front 3 channels must be almost exactly the same (different models of the same brand/series). The surround speakers don't necessarily have to match, but they should be close in sonic character.
The Marantz NR1609 is a very small and light weight receiver. You won't get the current out of it that you need (my opinion). It's okay if you are looking for a low cost and lean receiver. It all depends on your budget. Better would be one of the upper end Marantz receivers or a separate processor/amp setup.
If you want to use Dynaudio speakers, maybe start looking for an Excite X24 or X28 center channel. If you absolutely are locked in to using the Xeo 6, the I would still get the X24/X28 center.