Dear @tattooedtrackman: Most important component in an audio system?
well all system links in the audio chain are important starting with the room but each one of us are a " component " too of that home audio system and with out any doubt we are the more important " component " and not only because ours ears and sensivity to the sound but what determines the quality performance level of our system are two main and critical audiophiles characteristics that are: each one MUSIC knowledge level ( live music. ) that means to know how MUSIC sounds how single instrument performs. The other characteristic is each one audio knowledge levels.
Both characteristics dictates our audio items choicing/alternatives to build and up-date that home room/audio system.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
well all system links in the audio chain are important starting with the room but each one of us are a " component " too of that home audio system and with out any doubt we are the more important " component " and not only because ours ears and sensivity to the sound but what determines the quality performance level of our system are two main and critical audiophiles characteristics that are: each one MUSIC knowledge level ( live music. ) that means to know how MUSIC sounds how single instrument performs. The other characteristic is each one audio knowledge levels.
Both characteristics dictates our audio items choicing/alternatives to build and up-date that home room/audio system.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,