I was, as you can tell, pointing out the philosophical pitfalls accompanying the manner in which the OP went about gathering his knowledge of cables and the incongruity in the way he defends his argument. He may very well be 100% correct.
Personally, I have not experimented with cables and as such have no opinion on the matter. With that said, I have been thinking about it and researching lately. As a man of science, and the inherent quality that goes hand in hand with gathering quantifiable and empirical data, I do lean in that direction. I will, however, be borrowing some cords from my local dealer and performing a test much as @dorkwad described.
In the end, cables do matter, in all sorts of ways, but that has more to do with how people "know" things. In looking at the many facets of this particular conundrum, it seems language, the senses and emotion are the main vehicles used in gathering and solidifying the said knowledge. I am happy to read some of the informative posts, engage in a little discourse and listen to good music without worrying too much about the cables.