All Quiet on the Oppo front?

Many Oppo fans were talking about getting their pre-ordered UDP-205's a month ago, but no new posts as to current status. I haven't heard a word. I kinda thought there would be a July release, but apparently not.

Anybody receive any news from Oppo in the past month? 
The July release were already delivered.  There are 2 more shipments coming this month.
2 more this month, how did you find that out? You received your notification the same day as me, are you still waiting too?

A few weeks ago, I reached out to Oppo and asked how close I was to the top of the list.  They emailed back that they couldn't tell me but all the July orders already went out and that there will be 2 more delivery's in August.  Also everyone who confirmed their pre-order would get their unit.  You and I should get ours sometime this month.