If we are talking about milliseconds or something else very short, yes, V/Q mismatch changes. It will change depending on the point in the breath cycle and depend on many factors including the depth of that particular breath, pulmonary pressures, and what not. That is a very theoretical discussion with no practical, except for academic purposes, implementation. In reality, V/Q match/mismatch is looked at as an average over some time. Time being anything, but from inhalation to exhalation would be an extreme. Even proning does not yield result within seconds, if it eventually even does.
You could, temporarily, make a person breath outside of their current breathing pattern needs. A person can do it voluntarily, hyper or hypoventilate for a period of time, but not for any significant time unless cellular metabolism of oxygen changes rapidly, which it is unlikely to. Hyperventilating will end up with lightheadedness (initially), up to unconsciousness. Then, it will go back to the needed pattern. Attempting to hold a breath will be successful only until the brainstem triggers over the voluntary action which will probably be with pCO2 somewhere over 60.
In a pathologic state example, which may not be the best case to discuss this but is descriptive enough, severely acidotic person will have a Kussmaul’s breathing pattern and it will be practically impossible to voluntarily override it.
Breathing pattern in exercise can be changed for the longer term by adjusting cell physiology. Eventually, just like it happens in the heart, well-trained athlete will likely have lower rate at rest. However, that particular change will be the consequence of "training" the end-organ cells and not necessarily "trained" and better breathing.
Those patterns are easier to get a more vivid grip on with a sedated mechanically-ventilated person and changing parameters in real time. That is a completely different topic, far removed from cables that do or do not change the sound.
EDIT: I just realized that I did not answer clearly about the importance of V/Q mismatch. Changes that do happen throughout the cycle are physiologic variation and not to pathologic levels.
All of the above, except for acidotic example, assumes normal healthy subject with no cardiac or metabolic abnormality breathing sea level FiO2 0.21. I also, for simplicity, excluded mentioning pCO2 influence which, in fact, is easily the most important factor influencing breathing patterns above.