Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

Did you try to get other tweaks off from your system and try again the Mat ? It seems some tweks are not Emat compatible 
when you cleaned the TC brush, did you use only water ?

Thank You for being the " Calm in the Eye of the Storm "  I agree, that improving core components is the best path to follow. Recently, modded my Technics SL1200G with a Triplanar Classic SE tonearm. Nothing subtle about this "tweak"  No need to wait 2 weeks or 8 weeks to hear the improvement. No doubt about how or where to apply. No confusion at all. Put a record on and Enjoy. 

@ozzy  Oregonpapa did not purchase 30 E-mats.  He distributed the mats to other audiophiles but until he did, he tried them.  I heard his system with 6 and 12 E-Mats.  6 are plenty to accomplish a radically good improvement in a system (at least my system and those previously noted).  

He owns the Legacy Signature IIIs.  I own both the Focus and Signature IIIs.  I don't like the Aries because of its limited seating (opposite of Whispers which have a very wide sweet spot).  
Ozzy ...

I don’t have the Legacy Focus speakers. I have the Legacy Signature III’s. Steve Fleschler has both the Focus’ and the Signature III’s. The Focus’ would overwhelm my room.

I’ve heard both the Legacy Whispers and the Legacy Aries speakers and didn’t like either on of them. I’ve heard the Aries at several shows, and the Whispers at a couple of friends homes. At any rate, they’d both give me the same problem as the Focus’ would ... not room compatible. Besides, my Signature III’s are performing from a transparency point better than the best planer speakers I’ve ever owned at this point ... except I’m getting better bass and highs. For this, I give credit to both the TC and the Omega E Mats.

The ARC REF-6 has tons of great reviews. The guys here on A’gon who have the REF-6 love it. Its the first real break-through that I'm aware of at this particular price point for ARC since the REF-3, which is what I’ve used since it was new.

Ozzy, I can’t encourage you enough to explore the TC and the Mats further. If you want to call me I’ll describe what I’ve pasted with the TC that made such a huge difference in SQ. It took a LOT of TC to do the complete job though. Send me a PM and we’ll discuss.

Take care ...

A little bit of tc goes a long way.  I have used the tc and put the brush back in the freezer and when I used it again a week later there was still enough tc on the brush to do a couple more applications.  I still have a lot of tc left in my tube and I have done almost my whole system.  I will be applying on my tubes soon.  I also have another e mat coming and will update everyone on further system improvements.  Tc and one e mat have been a great investment for me in my system.