Amp upgrade from Ayre V-5xe

I am loving the Ayre sound (V-5xe Amp, QX-5 Twenty DAC / streamer). My speakers are the new Revel F228be

While I think V-5xe is great, I am thinking of upgrading to the newer VX-5 Twenty. Just because.... I hear my sirens calling :-)

For you Ayre owners, is this a worthy upgrade?

Or should I consider another solid state Amp? Pass Labs come to mind


As above, I concur w/ Johnny R

Both Aesthetix  and Ayre do better w/ same corresponding pre/power amp combinations.  Mixing and matching different brands may yield an unfavorable outcome.

Happy Listening!

yes and no...I can assure you a ARC REF5se driving an AYRE Vx-R is sublime.....and in my system of hodgepodge mix and match provided great sound....

NAIM into Aesthetix into ARC into Ayre into Vandersteen....All AQ cables

5 out of 6 of those designers are friends and hang together, sharing patents, etc...

but yes, your results might vary....

OP congrats !!!!!! I think for your system you made 200% right call

enjoy that new amp

my experience w Twenty series is right from cold amazing sound.

in the interest of full disclosure I did replave the Vx-R with the Vandersteen 7 amplifiers.....

who knows, maybe he will build a preamp..some day

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