Should 2nd. Buyer Receive Guarantee ?

Some manufacturers like Cary an CJ to name two make great stuff but they refuse to honor any remaining warrantee to 2ed. buyer. I think that sucks ! It certainly reduces the potential selling price for anyone wishing to sell relatively new stuff. Does this upset anyone else or do you think it is justified ?
Elizabeth has a good point. My experience is that a lot of things like CD Players, Computers, Etc, break right away if they are going to break, so if you pick up one used that is a couple years old, that has worked fine, it will continue to do so.
BTW - Conrad Johnson does provide a transferable warrantee on their Premier products (at least for the 12 and 17LS) from the original owner to subsequent owners. There are a few conditions on this, but it appears as though they will honor the warrantee as long as they are notified of the transfer(s).