BUYERS, What Issues have you had with Sellers and Listings that Prevent you from Buying?

Some sellers have been complaining about how slow it is. Maybe what you share can help sellers make their listings more enticing.
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There are so many things besides price that turn off potential buyers or cause them to bid lower as a hedge. A very good seller with a very smart listing will get more money from the same listing than a seller who is putting out signals that erode trust. 
For example when car sales are slow the auto industry offers rebates, zero interest financing, free maintence for 3 years etc.. I am affraid in used audio equipment about the only thing you can do is keep dropping prices or hold on until a shift in the market, which might not ever happen. Maybe when it gets closer to the holidays things will pick up but I don't know of any marketing strategy for used amplifiers and dacs other than low prices. 
In my case I wanted a new integrated amp, I just bought one less than 1 year old for about 60% of it's cost new. To me that was good deal for the seller ? 
I believe you need to be "realistic" about how valuable your used equipment is, some of the listings I see that seem to hang out there for days are not IMO properly priced.
I also find that when I list an item and include UPS Ground (lower 48) and the PayPal fee, I don't seem to have problems selling items on Audiogon.