Have Passive Preamps Finally Come of Age?

Back in the late 90s (eons ago) I tried a variety of passive preamps (PPs). The most musical was an autoformer, but back then my system was not balanced. For the last decade I have been using active preamps, both tube and solid state, but finding a quality balanced preamp under $4K is damn near impossible. Enter the Parasound P5 (2.1), which in addition to having balanced I/Os, it has a separate bass management circuit (MSRP $1095), and I was hoping it would provide better control over the built in class D plates incorporated into my 2 SVS powered subs, whose volume controls are STUPIDLY sensitive: when barely cracked from zero they overwhelm. Alas, no bueno. 

Recently i watched a PS Audio YT video that was emphatic about NOT connecting powered subs with interconnects; instead he recommends speaker cables piggybacked off the main systems amp/s. I had a spare set of DIY flat copper cables, and was shocked how much better they sounded, but doing so did not change the  volume control problem and unfortunately this id not bypass the SVS amps whose class D chips are now ancient. Thinking there could be an impedance problem led me to revisit PPs.

I sold my P5 and was using the XLR outs from my Oppo 105 (upgraded power supply and IEC/wiring to the power supply) direct to my Emerald Physics 100.2SEs (class D). The noise floor dropped tremendously, allowing me a much better view into the music. My Core Power Technologies 1800 PLC had more than a little to do with this, but...  

Days of PP research later, I came across LDRs, which seem like the ultimate PP option, but XLR versions are ~ $2K and up, with the Tortuga coming in at $2700, seems like a true SOTA bargain, just not in my current budget. Scouring the' for sale' sites I came across a Hattor XLR (MSRP $995) which was in my price range. Hattor's www had links to 2 reviews both were extremely positive: one used it in combination with a class D amp. Bingo! I snapped it up.

It arrived late yesterday, although Hattor's www pictures look awesome, they do not compare to seeing and touching it. The metal carrying case was an indication of the designer's dedication. This is an etremely well made piece of kit, but how does it sound? Alas it came with no manual and Hattor's site does not have a PDF. How hard can it be to hook up? Well, after a couple scary minutes, I discovered that it would not light up until I connected the 105. 

Stone cold, the first thing that shocked me was a further reduction in noise floor and an incredibly wide and deep sound stage, but as can be expected, it was dry. Fingers crossed, in about a half hour I began to be rewarded with texture as well. Tis only got better as the night wore on

I hope somebody chimes in with their Tortuga experience, or any other high quality PP information.that goes under the reporting radar. 
If sources with 2 V output go into some kind of distortion mode ( running out of steam, if you will ), how can a preamp help the distortion ? Enjoy ! MrD.
If sources with 2 V output go into some kind of distortion mode ( running out of steam, if you will ), how can a preamp help the distortion ? Enjoy ! MrD.
Your right MrD, they can't.
By reducing that 2v source with the volume control of an active pre, just shunts part of the 2v to ground. The other part being used (just as "distorted")  goes to the preamps volume control then the gain stage, "yes" to be boosted back up again along with it's own distortion and noise also. 

Cheers George
I am really disgusted at this point, with the bickering going on here. I found Passive to be wonderful, so I know it works. I am judging this based on my 50 years of listening, and, my " current " system. Yes, there are instances when passive will not work, and we all understand this. But come on guys. Audio Research has an integrated amp that does not have a preamp ( gain stage, others too ), so, what does this tell you. If we cannot be civil, it is no longer my worth and time to be here, sharing my knowledge, and learning from others what I do not know. I have gotten this same crap with horns, cables, and some other audio related issues. It is bullshit ! Enjoy ! MrD.
Mr Db. My comment is borrowed from data analysis fields and applies with equal force here. Whatever distortions are passed to a control device will be passed on to the next device downstream. In other words, I agree explicitly with George and implicitly by inference to your query.

This is principle applies equally to passives and actives alike.