Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Earth to uberwaltz, nobody I know ever pays full price. Ever. Especially if someone buys 11 of something. I doubt he did. Especially if he’s a beta tester. Follow? I wouldn’t be surprised if you paid full price, however. No reason for all the attutude, Bubba.
Theres the Katie we all know and love so dearly, ready to hurl insults .

If you had said that in the first place then we might have had some clue what was whirling around in that head of yours instead of wondering what speeling mistake or grammar dysfunction you were trying to trip people up on now!

Peace out......
I am not wholly sure that even beta testers would get a huge financial break in all honesty.
Yep call me naïve if you like
Why not.....
Give me a break, you don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. I have a different word than naive. You’re the one hurling the insults. Go jump in a lake.
Listening to my second E Mat, placed Thursday between Richard Gray 240V/120V system transformer and Richard Gray 1200C front-end power supply, which supplies Wadia 861 SE/GNSC player that has one mat underneath.  
If there is a "noise floor", the bottom just dropped out, revealing even more information, formerly hidden behind and between other information. Nuances of percussion, keyboard fills and voice harmonies are popping out all across the deeper and wider soundscape.  Worn-out cliches, yes, but how else to describe it?