Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

Congratulations on the further improvement of your system with the second Omega E Mat. It is difficult to verbalize the improvement in a system as additional Mats are installed and then become stabilized after being in place for Two weeks. My audio systems are now more emotionally moving and stimulating.Trying to verbalize the why of this effect I will leave to others.

The cost of multiple Mats is considerable but not more than two or three upper tier Power Cords, one or two DACs, or a premium amplifier such as my Pass Labs INT-60.

I am on the Board of Directors of El Paso Pro Musica  whose artistic director is Zuill Bailey (three time Grammy Award winner in classical music). My passion in life is listening to music.  My audio expenditures allow me to have a greater connection to the music I listen to and a greater connection to the artists who create the music. I think the Omega E Mats are an audio bargain.

David Pritchard


As an E mat "superuser", your endorsement of the mat, both personally and professionally, carries considerable weight. I am looking forward to adding more mats over time--thanks for the encouraging reports of continued gains with each additional mat.  Is there a point at which you would stop adding to a system?  Wondering if there is a limit to the density of sound one room can accommodate.

Joseph Freeman   
“Congratulations on the further improvement of your system with the second Omega E Mat. It is difficult to verbalize the improvement in a system as additional Mats are installed and then become stabilized after being in place for Two weeks. My audio systems are now more emotionally moving and stimulating.Trying to verbalize the why of this effect I will leave to others.”

WOW! You don’t see that too much. Difficulty verbalizing the improvement to the sound and no attempt whatsoever to speculate how these things work. And he has eleven of them! 🙄 For anyone having difficulty expressing himself or identifying characteristics of sound you might consider consulting several sources of audiophile terminology, One such compendium of terms was developed by J. Gordon Holt. His book is found on Amazon here,

Here is the link to the Stereophile magazine longish Glossy of Audiophile Terms,

and this list of audiophile terms from,

I do think your approach is very smart. Take some time to let each Mat achieve it's maximum effect at that location. My results so far indicate to start with the circuit breaker box location for the first Mat as you then will have a beneficial effect on multiple pieces of equipment.
If possible place the Mat at a trial location and then give it at least overnight before any serious listening. I heard differences at 10 hours, three days, and then a significant change at the 12-14 day mark.

Have fun with the Mats! If they improve your listening sessions keep them and if they do not send them back. With the 30 day trial period there is no need for a snap decision for or against. Return postage is cheap.

I do hope  forum readers that stream music will take the opportunity to listen to Zuill Bailey's cello work. A nice CD is his playing cello with David Leisner on acoustic guitar. Recorded in an auditorium and not a studio, the interplay of guitar - cello- and recording venue is very satisfying to me.

David Pritchard

David, just pulled up and started listening to 'Arpeggione' by David Leisner with Zuill Bailey on cello. Thanks for the recommendation.