DECWARE.....ZTPRE anyone have any expeiriance with one ?

Thinking of replacing my Classe pre to feed two CA400's in monoblock mode with a pair of Focal Grande Utopia's
Br3098 8-4-2018
I have heard the new ZTPre "V6" design, paired with decware 6Wpc monoblocks and **decware speakers** [emphasis added], and I can definitively say that it is not rolled off on the bottom end.

To add to my previous response, it appears that none of the speakers shown at the Decware website would provide deep bass extension that is remotely close to what is provided by the OP’s Focal Grande Utopias. According to specs indicated in Stereophile the Focals incorporate a 15 inch woofer and an 11 inch mid-bass/lower midrange driver, and weigh 397 pounds. Completely different animals than the Decware speakers, and speakers that would clearly be far more revealing of bottom octave rolloff.

-- Al
viking62 asked..."Taking all of this into consideration (And this goes out to everyone) what are your recommendations for a tube pre for this setup."

Have you thought/looked into the Primaluna Dialogue Premium preamp? It is not as sexy looking as the Decware but it sure is a music making machine of the highest order with superb reviews. Also, built like a last a lifetime. And a tube rollers dream!!! I own one and can not speak more highly of's that good!!! Lots of great info online with great internal snapshots to look at to see what your money is buying you compared to other manufacturers. Good luck with your search.  
1241...that PDP pre looks pretty nice and he is passionate about his product. Noticed the speakers in the background.
I see that the output tubes are coupled to the output connectors via capacitors having what to me is a very surprisingly low value of 0.1 uf

I just downloaded the latest I believe circuit.
And what Al has pointed out is quite bad, as if that preamp’s xlr output sees an input load of 20kohm the bass will be rolled of at -3db already at 80hz!!!! In other words you’ll have no low bass.

If it sees a Class-D amp which many have 10kohm input impedance, the bass will be -3db at 160hZ!!!! no upper bass either!!!

It’s rca output "could" be fine as they are isolated by the transformer coupling from outside amp impedance’s.

I suggest you don’t use the XLR output with any amp/s less than 100kohm input impedance.

Cheers George