dCS Dealer recommendations and dCS Network Bridge impressions

I live in an area that isn't served by a dCS dealer. Reaching out to see if members have recommendations based on their experience with their dCS retailers? 

The product I'm looking into is the dCS Network Bridge. Would love to hear impressions from those that own or have demoed the Bridge.

I'm getting close to finalizing between three options, the dCS Network Bridge being one of them.

Owners or those with first hand experience? Or those that considered and decided on another product?


@folkfreak   I'll give Brian a call this week. Thanks again.
One year later, what did you choose?  I have a dCS Network Bridge arriving tomorrow.

@aldenberry That’s awesome.

I went with a Roon server and the Sonore ultraRendu Roon renderer.

Since then I’ve replaced my Roon server with the Small Green Computer sonicTransporter i7 Kaby Lake Roon DSP (only) with ethernet direct to the Sonore Signature Rendu SE (upgraded from the ultraRendu).

I'm only running Tidal / Roon on this system.
@david_ten If you have a Roon endpoint on your DAC do you need a Rendu if the DAC has Ethernet and there is also a ROON server on the network?
@yyzsantabarbara If your DAC is serving as a Roon Endpoint / Renderer then the Rendu is unnecessary.

I suppose the question to also ask / consider is whether the DAC is a superior Endpoint/Renderer and if not, can that function(ing) be bypassed?