RCA 1 Meter Interconnect Analysis Plus Silver Apex vs Cardas Clear vs


I just upgraded my RCA interconnect to a better cable and have some thoughts and questions.   My system’s front end is powered by a PS Audio P600 with the older statement PS Audio power cords on all equipment.   I also have a P300 that runs my Sota Cosmos.   The system:   Sota Cosmos/Graham 2.2/Benz Ruby Z<Nordost Tyre Phono cable>Pass Labs XONO<Tara Labs Air RSC RCA’s>Nelson Pass BOZ Preamp<Harmonic Technology>Pass Labs X5<Tara Labs RSC>Dynaudio Special 25’s

I’ve always been amazed on how great this system sounds and never really wanted to upgrade the RCA interconnects as I was going to go balanced as soon as I built a balanced preamp (one of these days)

 I borrowed three cables from the cable company and bought a Morrrow labs elite interconnect all w/ RCAs

Audience SXAU24

Anaylsis Plus Silver Apex

Cardas Clear

Morrow Elite Grand Reference

 I intended to keep the Morrow cable but I’m blown away with the Analysis Plus Silver Apex.   The Cardas sounded good with respect to bottom end, transparency but to me it was too laid back and the soundstage was not as rich/big as the Morrow or the Silver Apex. I didn’t really consider the Audience SXAU24 as I liked the other three cables better….I don’t know if it was the RCA connecters or that they were not really a good match for my system but I don’t think this Audience cable really performed that well.    All cables were “burnt in” and The Morrow cable had a nice soundstage, seemed transparent, but the Analysis Plus Apex on every lp I played was much more lively, musical, and the horns sounded like horns, etc….  

 Has anyone else used the Analysis Plus Silver Apex’s and what is your opinion of Analysis Plus Silver Apex vs other cables? Any opinions would be appreciated….How would you rank these four cables?

 I am tempted to replace the Tara Labs RSC RCA interconnect between the phono preamp and preamp, but it would probably have to be 2 meters long so I must a wait a while on that.   Any thoughts on this tara labs cable vs the Silver Apex…. I probably couldn’t “audition” a 2 meter cable from the Cable Company.

I do need to upgrade my speaker cables and am looking for suggestions? I’m thinking I now need to try the Analsys Plus Silver Apex’s but they are pretty new to the market,   I need speaker cable lengths of probably 10 feet.   Please let me know any opinions or experiences



I have a friend running large AR tube amps into Martin Logan large electrostats.  He has them wired with an earlier iteration of their silver speaker cables and they sounded absolutely beautiful in his system.  There is a continuousness to the sound.  Lovely.
I just installed a full set of silver apex cables. They replaced a set of very well know expensive networked cables. The analysis plus cables are spectacular. I had to replace my speaker cables because my cables  did not work with my Boulder 2060. 

These cables are competitive to cables costing 5 times their price. I understand why they are termed budget or value cables  but I think that undersells their qualities. 

These cables are quiet and reveal details that I had not heard before. I also believe that they reveal what is on the disc or record.  

Snare drums sound real... and the instruments are highly defined, realistic, and musical... clarity exists but the music shines through. I also think they realistically present the event. 

Right now now I am listening to the excellent Charlie Hayden West Private Collection Concert. The system, is pretty good... Vitus Dac/preamp feeding the Boulder 2060, Wilson speakers,  a rel sub bass system, Analysis Plus silver apex Spears cables and interconnects, and analysis Plus rel cable. The recording is a digital 24/192. 

The sense of place is real. You can hear the audience  and waitresses of the club... I am in the space. Perhaps this is due to the Boulder... but the cables go a long way in revealing what is there. The dynamics are excellent. Pacing, rhythm, and timing show up (I use to have a full Naim set up) but the experience is more real than I had expected... real in that he instruments sound right, the spatial cues seem to be what a club set is. Likewise, the sound of the bass it sounds just like the real thing, the plucks are just very accurate. The soundstage is good. Is it the best? Maybe not, but it makes me wonder if other cables play tricks. But the placement of the instruments is right, the depth and space is realistic, and the tonality is right on. This is very musical, and I think it is in part due to the sound of the Vitus unit. the base is rich, deep, textured, and taught.. fast, and authentic. The cables really transmit everything. 

Prior to receiving the silver apex cables I used their silver oval and they are not in the same league. The silver apex cables are world class, full range, and very clear. The silver ovals were fine but lacked depth, clarity, and range of sound. 

I read a review that thought they sounded great but lacked the polish of very expensive cables. I disagree. Compared to the MIT they lacked nothing in the fit and finish. 

@jlaz  Congrats on the new cables.  Have they had time to sufficiently burn-in yet?  200 hours or so?

I went from very heavy gauge high quality copper cables to all silver ones when I got my new speakers as the sound with the huge copper cables was too heavy.  Good silver cables can reveal that last bit of delightful detail that you might be missing with all copper offerings.