I have not owned the newer PS Audio regenerators, but i have and do own a P10. PS Audio makes some great stuff and they have good customer service. With that said i no longer use my P10. I found for me and my stereo system that the High Fidelity MC 6 Hemisphere worked better. They are less than half the price of the PS Audio regenerators. There is a trade off no surge or spike protection. The MC 6 Hemisphere is for front end equipment only NO amps. But my P10 would not do a big amp. Smaller amps plugged into the P10 sounded better plugged directly to the wall. There are other option out there cheeper than the regeneraters shop around first.
I have not owned the newer PS Audio regenerators, but i have and do own a P10. PS Audio makes some great stuff and they have good customer service. With that said i no longer use my P10. I found for me and my stereo system that the High Fidelity MC 6 Hemisphere worked better. They are less than half the price of the PS Audio regenerators. There is a trade off no surge or spike protection. The MC 6 Hemisphere is for front end equipment only NO amps. But my P10 would not do a big amp. Smaller amps plugged into the P10 sounded better plugged directly to the wall. There are other option out there cheeper than the regeneraters shop around first.