Best tube dampers that you have used

I currently have a Thor Audio monoblocks TP-150, 8  EL-34's Sovtek tubes for each amp.
Was wondering in anyone's experience will tube dampers improve the sound quality.
Am hesitant to proceed as I have read that  tube dampers can melt from the heat of the tubes and sometimes
cause smoke. Any thoughts would be appreciated.  
ebm"Birth control for tubes are you joking??"

There are grammar school children here who think "jokes" like this are really hysterical just like the humor they use on the playground it is best to ignore them if you criticize them too much they are sensitive and will have you're post deleted.

Post removed 
If you're going to use a condom, make sure to roll them all the way to the base where the s/n is marked on them. You all know there is a s/n at the base of every condom right? I'm done now. 
Putting a tube damper on tubes may or may not have an effect on sound (If a tube seems microphonic, replace it), but the point of them is obviously to damp vibration and stomp out the dreaded (by some, not me) microphonics which can possibly chew the fun out of your audio gum. It is not, I repeat not, possible to "overdamp" a tube as the inside of the tube is what is making things go, not the glass. To state otherwise is strange, utter nonsense, and not entirely unexpected.