Nuforce STA200

I am curious about the Nuforce STA200 amplifier  If anyone has experience with the amp it would be appreciated if you would share your listening impressions, both good and bad.  Some of the descriptions I have read classify it as a class AB amp and others a class D amp.  I am not technical savvy about these things, can a single amplifier be both? 
Well if you give the Nuforce the room it needs to breath hopefully it will hang in.  If you really like the Nuforce you might want to start looking for a more compatible speaker though. 
As much as I like the Nuforce, I would not look for a speaker it can drive. I would pick the speaker, and find the suitable amp to drive it. This has always been my approach. Enjoy ! MrD.
Well, I just ordered another from Audio Advisor, as, I do not know how long these will be available. I wish I was excellent with words, because I would give this amp a tremendously positive review. It really possesses all of the great attributes of so many amplifiers I have owned, and have listened to, in all of my years. Is it perfect ? Are my ears perfect, or my speakers, or my room, or my sources, or my recordings ? No, But, it is just so musical and embracing, and allows me to enjoy all of my music. And, for the money ? Enjoy ! MrD.
Anyone have any thoughts on using this amp with a tube pre amp. I have a few tube pres that id like to try with it, but really dont want to insert a passive/attenuation in between...

concerned it will generate a lot of noise..particularity if i use one of my vintage tube pres...thanks for any info
I had a relatively high end tube preamp, which resulted in a hum through my 104 db efficient speakers, with this amp. The combo was fine with less efficient speakers. Same occurrence with a ss preamp, in both cases. Because of it’s high gain, it is a possibility noise can be a problem. The noise is not from the amp, as it is dead quiet. The other thing would be a very small amount of adjustment via the pre’s volume control. I love the amp though, and went passive. Some folks added a volume control ( a simple passive unit, something you said you did not want to do ) between their pre and the amp, to cut back the gain, and are quite happy. Enjoy ! MrD.