One thing you can be assured of Jay ... I have never reported anyone to the moderators no matter how insulting, demeaning or hurtful their comments have been. I don’t believe in censorship, believing instead, that the answer to offensive free speech is simply more free speech.
You have reported me twice in an attempt to shut me out. You have called me every name in the book, for reasons I cannot fathom. I won’t do that to you because it’s not my style. I’ll just let your last post stand so that other members can get a gauge on exactly the type of person you are. Or until the Mods discover your latest acid drenched attack against me and remove it.
What’s really troubling you Jay?
You seem to be hung up on what I paid, or didnt pay, for items tested. Is that it? If I didn’t pay for things, are you suggesting that it would somehow influence my test results? Can you see that just by asking the question you are questioning my integrity as a person?
Jay, do you ever read what you write before posting and consider the effect it may have on others, or are you just as vindictive of a person as many of your posts suggest? You’re sad, dude ... very sad.
On the payment, or non-payment issue ... I don’t owe you a damn thing, including an explanation. Why you think you are so entitled is a mystery to me.
Dude. find a nice little safe place, or perhaps a cozy little cry room somewhere and work it out. You’d be a much finer human being if you did.
Now then, I will count the seconds it takes you before you report this post to the Mods. Be sure to don your brown shirt before you do though ... you wouldn’t want to appear out of character. Like your last post ... it just wouldn’t be appropriate.
Have a great evening.