Deleted Threads by Admin??

I’ve read a lot of threads where folks complain about the Administrators removing entire threads. While I have no reason to disbelieve the Admins might in fact remove threads, I discovered by accident that the OP’s can also delete their thread(s). (I did so last weekend when I discovered my premise of the thread was false.) When I clicked on my self-deleted thread, the “error” prompt I received was that the Admin removed the thread. So there appears a couple paths whereby a thread can be removed from the forum.
I started a thread last evening about how cultural changes occurring in Western nations might impact the audiophile world and how we post and perceive the posts of others.  Upon opening my laptop this morning the thread was removed by the moderators.  

Important note:  It was not a political thing.
It rather sounds political. But if you're sure you're right, why not reach out to the moderators and follow-up with them?
@cleeds Thanks for responding.  Part of my frustration regarding the deletion of the thread results from the efforts I took in drafting the thread to not make it political.  

My audio enthusiast concern regards the cultural changes taking place where the West is moving from the Modern Era when reason, facts and truth was embraced to a Post Modern Culture where those very virtues are bemoaned and besmirched.  A culture where facts are fluid, feelings trump reason and I have my truth and you and everyone else can have there's.

What I was trying to get to is a conversation of how we as audiophiles regard our audio endeavors and talk about them.  This is a blog whose very existence is conversation about a shared interest. I'm certain you have read, as have I, the ongoing debate between those who believe that everything happening with our systems has a measurement to quantify it or the opposing view that not everything can have a specific fact or measurement associated with it. 

Well...if the culture we live within is moving away from reason, facts and truths, that is going to change the nature of our conversations here, no?

That is what I was hoping to converse with people here about.  

@cleeds If you are willing, I would appreciate hearing your perspective on what I've said here.
The strange world of hifi tweaks dismissed reason, facts, and truth the minute it was discovered that desperate hobbyists would buy anything that was packed with enough hyperbole, regardless of whether it worked or not. This phenomena predates the current political climate.
@hifiman5 thanks for the explanation. I’m inclined to think your motives for the thread were sincere, and I think it could have led to an interesting conversation.

On the other hand: The premise that the "West is moving from the Modern Era when reason, facts and truth was embraced to a Post Modern Culture where those very virtues are bemoaned and besmirched" is debatable. That’s not to say that I disagree with the premise, but it’s still likely to prompt a cultural debate from some. As we saw in the other deleted thread ("Have All Sales Stopped on Audiogon??"), once the discussion veers into culture, some contributors here respond with references to God and the Bible. I respect the faith of others but - by definition - there is no debating faith. Faith by its very nature stands on its own, and needs no proof or documentation.
That’s the challenge faced by this group’s moderators. They can’t babysit every single comment on every single thread, and so they have to make judgment calls. In this case, it looks like they applied the Barney Fife Principle of "Nip it in the Bud." Were the moderators wrong in this instance? I could make the case either way. You seem thoughtful and genuine, so I suspect you could also argue it either way, even though your preference surely would have been to let your thread stand.

Now we’ll get to see if this post of mine survives moderator review.

The strange world of hifi tweaks dismissed reason, facts, and truth the minute it was discovered that desperate hobbyists would buy anything"

It is sad and regrettable to read this because the comment itself reflects a distinct and even absolute abandonment of reason, facts, and truth and that you do not see that is only proof of that assertion itself so you seem to be confused, disoriented, and uncertain even as you labor tirelessly to convince others that you are enlightened, scientific, and rational.