Preamp for Burmester power amp

Hi all, I am new to here. Currently I am using JRDG Capri with Burmester 956 Mk II power amp, to drive ATC SCM40 V2. 

I intend to to upgrade the preamp (as I think it’s the weakest part), among Pass Labs XP12, Ayre KX5 Twenty and Bryston BP 17 Cubed, which one u think is a better match with my Burmester?
Why would anyone design an amplifier with only an 1,880ohm input impedance? It makes very little sense unless they want to force the buyer to (also) purchase their supposedly matching preamp. Just curious.
I know of a few tube preamps that can drive low impedances like this no sweat, and balanced as well.

I know of some too. I hear they are quite good!

Best regards,
-- Al   :-)
Hi Almarg,

How about Mark Levinson 326s or 523 preamp? Do u think they are good match?

After looking at their specs and at Stereophile’s measurements of the 326s and the 526 (which is spec’d similarly to the 523), I don’t see any technical or compatibility issues. I have no knowledge of their sonics, though.

With either of those models, btw, you would want to avoid the higher of the various gain settings they provide, certainly in the case of the 326s. The specified input overload voltages for that model are very low for its 12 db and 18 db gain settings.

-- Al
kalali1,378 posts08-10-2018 3:09amWhy would anyone design an amplifier with only an 1,880ohm input impedance? It makes very little sense unless they want to force the buyer to (also) purchase their supposedly matching preamp. Just curious.
This is a classic con job, it happened with a hiend English company who designed their full range speaker to be way overdamped. Which worked perfectly with their sister companies well underdamped amplifiers.

The amp manufacture then did A/B's at hifi shows here in Australia using of all things a Krell amp to show how much better the bass was on their own amp, because the Krell believe it or not into these speakers had no bass, if very thin at all.

The only advantage to having input impedance's on amps this low, is that it's a great equalizer for different interconnects. They all sound similar, filtering effects are reduced. 

Cheers George      
nibongese OP
This would be a good one to try nibongese, if your dacs don’t have volume controls to go direct with, it has 3 different modes of operation, all with zero or minimum gain.

It’s all remote controlled with probably the best mechanical volume control available.
You got xlr or se 5 x inputs, and 3 x outputs.
A choice of 2 different low impedance active output buffers, tube, j-fet solid state and a passive which wouldn’t suit.

It’s designed by Mike Moffat of Theta fame so he really know his stuff, and you can return it if not happy.

Cheers George