Bi-amp through receiver vs pre out to 2 channel for fronts

Right now I am no amping my monitor audio gold 100 front speakers using a pioneer elite receiver.

The manufacturer recommends bi amping. If I buy a parasound 2 channel amp for the fRonda and don’t bi amp, is that going to sound better?
Save for an integrated amp that is good. you want something that will push good current and a clean signal.  You can't patch work through a system. That's what keeps AG in business, lol.  It's why folks are always chasing their tails to get what they want and when they don't they get frustrated.  

If you can't afford what you want, it is what it is, but if you can afford an amp, then you can afford an integrated amp.  Even a less expensive NAD or Rotel will be better than the Emotiva's of the world and you can easily sell later on if needed. They will be much better than any AVR.  

if folks want to have AVR and 2 channel in the same system, there will have to be compromises.  That's the reality.  I personally have always enjoyed my TV/movies with a very high end audio system.  Once you start to use digital in a signal it hurts the sound.  That goes for any DAC too and many of us have some great DAC sets ups.  

pass through can be used, but you are still then needing more equipment etc... and it's more room needed and more money.  You have to pick your poison,  No magic bullet no matter what folks may say.  Use your ears and hear for yourself.
Thanks guys, and that’s good to know that NAD and Rotel are considered better than Emotiva. I am really trying to find an integrated amp with ht bypass because I’m not exactly sure how to use work around to just use the receiver volume control it all and not have to get up and manually adjust multiple volume settings every time I want to adjust the volume while watching a movie. So far I like the looks of Hegel, Parasound, and Roksan. It’s just a matter of which sounds best with Monitor audio Golds. Is it weird to say that, although the dispersion is better now with the ribbon tweeters, I feel like my silvers sounded better with my current receiver? Maybe the receiver is just not enough for the upgrade to the Golds?
Also, can anybody show me pictures of the difference between the transformer of a pioneer elite receiver, and one in a nice amp or integrated amp? 

Is there really much difference between a separate pre-amp, and using a receiver as a preamp? 

I know the the general theory, but just wondering if people exaggerate the differences caused by the transformer in the AV receiver and then the signal processing of the AV as a pre-amp. 

I totally believe that the power from an AV is overrated. 

Here is is why I am asking - I found a 7 channel Anthem PVA7 Power Amp which may be a nice solution for now if an integrated amp will not make much difference from my receiver using it as a Pre-amp. 
Let me be blunt. Both the preamp and amp section of your (and almost all) AVR suck. They just flat out suck. If you replace one part, your stereo sound will be greatly compromised by the other. Period. People, especially when they’re relatively new to higher end Audio, tend to underestimate the importance of a preamp in the audio chain. Don’t make that fatal mistake. Get a good integrated and you replace both flawed components of your AVR at once. If you buy the Hegel H160 and compare it to your AVR I guarantee you won’t believe how much better your MA Gold speakers will sound in every conceivable way. There are no shortcuts here. Buy an integrated and get it over with in one shot. You’ll be thrilled you did.