The Absolute Sound vs Stereophile

I love both mags. Definitely preferred Stereophile while R Harley was there.
I think he’s doing great at AS.
Still I miss his measurements 
and, at the same time, how AS fit in my pocket.

I seem to always agree with Stevecham.

"Fortunately, Audiogon, Steve Hoffman, Analog Planet, Vinyl Engine and others have replaced my magazine interest in written commentary, opinion, specs and general entertainment (when it's kept civil) about audio equipment".
BTW, I can get pretty Audio Porn pictures on the net.
Corey Greenberg was very entertaining in Stereophile. Could not wait for the next issue to arrive to read his reviews. He blended every guy logic with a  great sense of humor in all his reviews.

Right On! mg16

I miss Corey and Wes Phillips from Stereophile.

Happy subscriber to TAS and Stereophile since 1993. Happy subscriber to HiFi News & Record Review and HiFi +  since 2010. Avid reader of Stereo Review and Audio magazines from the mid-80's until publication ceased in the late 1990's. 

I read them while waiting to do something in the bathroom....  I just read on from where I left off the day before. I don't get deep into them now, the authors don't get into any of the detail anyway, just fluffy words. What I do like though, is the new music or rereleased music on offer. I have made some great library additions to these articles.
One assumes you mean while waiting to do a couple of lines of coke.