Monitor Audio Pl 300ii vs. KEF Reference 5

I own the KEF Reference 5s.  I borrowed the Monitor Audio Pl300 ii speakers for comparison, which is still under way.  Thoughts so far:  Both are good speakers.  The KEFs provide a lot of detail.  Listening to classical music, you can hear orchestral instruments and sections pretty clearly.  Background and counter melodies can be identified. Piano music is very realistic.  The MAs do not provide as much instrumental detail but they do have a more mellow, deeper, broader sound.  Which is better is really a matter of personal choice.  As I said, I’m still listening so these are some quick preliminary reactions.  More later.  
Bo I have to agree with some of the other poster, you make specious claims without even hinting at what your process is.

We have been setting up high performance systems for 30 years, there are really very few setup gurus out there and those that are out there generally work on similar protocalls. 

We were taught speaker setup by David Wilson, there are those who use lasers to align the speakers, and plumb bobs for leveling and rake angle, there is acousitcal tunning, vibration reduction, emi and rfi reduction, power conditioning and maximizing a systems setup by making sure the components are working well together along with cabling.

As per Monitor vs Kef the Kef Ref Fives are awesome loudspeakers, we have a pair on display and they are nothing short of amazing sounding, they are extremely lifelike and they throw a huge well focused soundstage, they have very tight bass and great dynamics. 

We also sell the Legacy line that uses German made Heil drivers, the Heil tweeters are soft sounding, as they are basically flexible myler film which has been folded many times, Heil drivers sound like electrostats which is their high frequencies are more delicate with less upper octave sheen and less aparent detail then a really good metal driver, the Heil AMT tweeters are wonderfully musical but do lack a bit of the clarity that you get from the best Beryillium, or Diamond tweeters. 

To state that Monitors AMT tweeters are better is sheer ridiculousness, a good driver can be made out of any material, if you like the Monitors that is great, but that doesn't mean their drivers are better or that anyone elses are better, Monitor loudspeakers are very good and have their own set of strengths. 

The Kef Reference series are extremely well designed and use state of the art coincidental drivers, The fact that your high frequencies and midrange frequencies are all comming from the same point in space has a lot of advantages over the conventional tweeter above the midrange alignment that most speaker designers do, as designing a properly functioning dual concentric is very difficult to pull off. Kef has been making dual concentric drivers for 11 generations so they feel that they have perfected them. 

The OP allready owns a fantastic set of loudspeakers the issue is what he is using to drive them, the Ref 5 are very revealing loudspeakers like any of today's uber high resolution models so all of the matching equipment must be up to snuff. 

The AQ cables do have a tendency to sound a bit brighter then some of the other cables and the Vega is very out of date, we used to sell the Vega and it was great 4 years ago but way of date, also the Unitiserve is a good but not fantastic sounding server.

Just changing the server to a server which provides for upsampling will make a very noticable improvement with the Vega.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

We create sound by displaying all the 8 different parts of sound at a high level. This means each single person can easily understand and hear each single property of sound during listening.

What we see and hear is that all individual persons find their own music played at a superior an more emotional level wat they have with their own system. They also say that they never auditioned an audioststem in any shop what comes close to this level.

I a a born perfectionist and started doing audio when I was 6 years old. This is not my job or hobby. It goes so much further than any person can ever understand. I want to outperfrom any other person in result. I al only interested in being the best. This I proof with sound. This is a part of who I am as a person, like a second nature. It does not cost a lot of energy at all. I can understand it within a split second.

I am working in audio for over 20 years of time. I never have met any person who spend that many hours on sound&vision as I did. The other important thing is that I have not met any person who also can think and work by properties of sound

Based on the fact that I am 100% convinced that this is the only way to understand and guide any audiosystem. For me it is very simple to explain and make people aware which parts are missing in their system. I never met any person who said; but my system can reveal all the propertirs of sound.

We can proof by sound and on facts what is missing. There is not even any discussion possible. Tru-Fi is over 300% more effective than any trial and error created system. We proof this difference by shootout and comparing. Audio is all about shootout and comparing.

The sound and stage what you can hear will always tells the truth. And this I love most about audio. We create a superior sound and stage than what people own. They all react the same way over and over again. This is want themselves. The have auditioned their own music by a Tru-Fi system.

It blows away all your thoughts about audio and music. People have no idea what it really means when I say; I work at 0.25 millimeter precision. Everything I write is exactely as I wrote it. A born perfectionist will never except any fault and lower level in result.

The precision of trial and erro is very limited and we can proof this again by sound. After this there is never any discussion posible. The sound and stage will make you aware within a few seconds that the world you hear your music is totally different.

Using all the different properties of sound is just a part of Tru-Fi. Using high tech measurement tools also brings the result to a superior level. This also counts for all the adjustments we do regarding smog, magnetism and high frequent noise.

The Platinum loudspeakers can proof by Tru-Fi that they can outperfrom all other loudspesakers. Based on the fact that in any shootout they are more complete and have less compression  in sound. Trial and error will always create a result which lacks differences parts of sound.

Tru-Fi proofs for all our clients that these systems create a much lower level in emotion and excitement. That is why it is very easy for them to slle their audioproducts.

The only parts in their system they can keep are thiose who can reveal all the different properties of sound. Each single part what is incomplete has to go. Based on the fact that each single part what is incomplete will limit the endresult. Again there is no discussion possible that it has to leave.

Tru-Fi makes you understand both sound&vision a lot easier. Because you only focus and work with all the different properties of sound&vision. Since 2,5 years we work with vision the same way. And again the results proof that we can easily outperfrom all our competitors.

Also for vision we use for over 7000 dollar in high tech tools and calibration tools and software. We even here we do many adjustments regarding smog, magnetism and high frequent noise. These parts also influences the vision negatively.

Doing audio by trial and error it is not possible to understand why the stage and sound is what you hear. I was in 1998 aware that I needed to learn why a loudspeaker is so different than another one. That is why I have done thousands of tests. We had 5 different listening rooms. And I could borrow almost everthing I wanted to test and hear. I did borrow expensive products a lot all the time.

We can and wil proof that Tru-Fi makes trial and error look silly. And that on facts. You can easily learn to people what all the different properties are of sound. I will use people from the conservatorium a lot during presentations. As I will use curtains during demos.

It is our goal to help en bring many people as possible to a much higher level in emotion and realism than their own system can create. Audiogon is a place where you can put advertisments. When we are ready we will use it, for now this is too early. I am not allowed to make any kind of advertisment for us. I respect that. I will place different reviews in english overhere from our clients soon. I hope they will not remove them.

People cannot understand and use cables the way they can be used. That is why the people who are in charge of Audioquest Europe will visit me in September. The reason why I invite them is due to the fact that I will show them how limited the level is what they can use and reach of each cable by trial and error.

When you use Audioquest by Trial and Error it becomes a different cable. The same counts for Monitor Audio loudspeakers. And all other brands we use. Only Tru-Fi gives you access to all the different properties of sound they own.

And again we can demo this so they will understand what I mean. Sound makes it so much easier to understand my words. When you never auditioned a Tru-Fi system my words are just words. But when you hear it my words become the new truth.

And this has a huge impact on all people.
"And this has a huge impact on all people."
Yes. It bores us to death. I am amazed that you don't put yourself to sleep while writing the same nonsense over and over; literally hundreds of times on these forums! 
At the end you can hear it yourself and you have the freedom to judge. Only by hearing you can give an opinion. People need to stop making audio that personal. Audio is all about sound.

I will place the reactions of people overhere. So you have an idea how they experience it. You even can make contact with them by Messenger of Facebook or email. We don't hide anything. We just do both sound&vision by what you can hear and see.

It is up to each single person how they experience it with their own music.