Am I using the right speaker cables?

I am seeking some advice.

My system just does not sound like it has enough bass.

I am using:

Speakers Kef 207/2 

Pre amp: Gat Conrad Johnson

Amplifier: Conrad Johnson 350SA

Phono: Conrad Johnson TEA2 MAXHG

Turntable: Kuzma with EMT JSD P6 cartridge, turntable arm Kuzma point 4, 9'

Interconnects: Harmonic Technology Magic Link III

Power cables: Nordost red dawn on phono amp
                        Analysis Plus Pro power oval on Gat CJ
                        Analysis plus pro power oval on turntable power ac source (kumza)
                        CJ amp original cable 20 amp

Speaker cables: Nordost Frey 2 - 4 meters.

How do I get my system to sound a bit more bassier


jake 123 stated " All sounds awesome. Bass pumping and clear sharp highs." later in his thread after cable burn in.

I have a pair of Monopulse 82a speakers and the bass pours through the whole large building I'm living in, in a very deep natural way with semi high volume.

Nothing to do with subwoofers to have more bass if 2 channel speakers are capable as well as cables and amp(s) in use.

It may be the room.  If you haven't, call GIK Acoustics to get recommendations on acoustical panels.
GoldenEar speakers... VERY deep, adjustable bass response, especially with electronic drum and bass.....and I have a big room.